Mihran Kalaydjian - 5 Things Girls Should Never Be Afraid Of
1. Cutting their hair short.
Every girl becomes curious of how they would look with short hair at least once in their life whether it be a bob or full on boy cut. Sure it may look shitty, but at least you’ll KNOW whether or not it looks shitty once you get it done. Take the risk. Hair grows back, and who knows, you may not want it to.
2. Wearing bold lip colors.
Look fabulous if you want to, even if it seems like you are “over doing” it. The people who do stare at you are probably just admiring.
3. Finishing your meal if you want to.
I know girls that only finish half of their meal, only to anticipate going home and immediately eating the other half they boxed away with no one watching. WHY?! Your appetite doesn’t depict the kind of person you are. No guy is going to reject you solely for the reason that you finished all the pasta on your plate. Half the other girls at the table probably want to finish their spaghetti too.
4. Calling guys out.
If a male friend says something sexist or tries to assert his masculinity over you in any uncomfortable manner, set him straight. It doesn’t matter if he thought it was okay because you guys are friends or if he claims he just doesn’t know how to approach girls yet, tell him if he did wrong. You’re not a bitch, or too aggressive, or no fun, you’re right.
5. Each other.
It seems like that one chick is pining after the same guy, job, or pair of shoes as you and completely out to destroy your life, but in reality, those are just misconceptions every girl thinks about…every other girl. That’s just competition, and you’ll get that from everyone. Girls aren’t actively trying to single each other out (unless they’re bitches, in which case, they really don’t deserve to be given much thought). In a world where we already face a good amount of discrimination and challenges, we should be leaning on each other, not fighting
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